
Monday Jan 07, 2013
Episode 86 - DC Noise Celebrates 200
Monday Jan 07, 2013
Monday Jan 07, 2013
The guys present an epic episode to start off the epic year of 2013. Chuck and Ryan's friends at DC Noise celebrated recently their episode 199 and 200, and the Star Joes guys were along for the ride along with many other guests. Presented here is a condensed version (if you can even believe that with how long it is) of those two episodes. Enjoy!
For the full length versions of both episodes check out DC Noise Podcast at: http://www.dcnoisepodcast.com/
Monica's Detective Fausto (English version): http://bolismoni.blogspot.mx/2013/01/bulletproof-03-04.html
Alan's comic The Power Principle: http://powerprinciplecomic.blogspot.com/
Juan Castro's Art: http://juancastroinker.deviantart.com/
Simon Gough's Art: http://spidermanfan2099.deviantart.com/

Saturday Dec 22, 2012
Episode 84 - Christmas Memories with Open Your Toys Podcast
Saturday Dec 22, 2012
Saturday Dec 22, 2012
For this special holiday episode the guys are joined by Slick McFavorite and Mrs. McFavorite from Open Your Toys podcast as they walk down memory lane. The group talks about the toys they always wanted for Christmas but never got, their most favorite Christmas morning, and they all learn a valuable lesson....that Ryan was spoiled rotten. It's a great holiday trip, so enjoy!!
Episodes of Open Your Toys Podcast can be found here: http://openyourtoys.com/

Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Episode 83 - Behind the Scenes - Ending 2012
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
To start wrapping up the year, the guys release various behind the scenes moment from shows in 2012. Find out just how scared Chuck is every time Ryan does the introduction. Learn from listener Jon Thurmond about a Joe issue that never saw print. And hear the guys talk Batman Dark Knight Rises with listener Chris Campbell. It's an episode that truly pulls back the curtain with some great 80's songs in between. Enjoy!!

Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
Episode 82 - We Share Blood, We Share Everything
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
In this episode the guys respond to listener feedback and get caught up on the latest issues from the various properties. Chuck and Ryan also talk about the lastest news of Disney purchasing Lucasfilm and what that might mean for the Star Wars franchise. All of this plus Chuck revisits his glory days. Enjoy!!

Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Episode 81 - A Conversation with Robots in Disguise
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
In this special episode, Chuck and Ryan are joined by listener "Crash" in an interview with Transformers: Robots in Disguise creators Andrew Griffith and John Barber. They discuss the creation and new direction of the Transformers line of comics as well as the new direction of the G.I. Joe comics. The guys then close the show interviewing Crash with his recently published work that was successful through the Kickstarter program. It's an interview episode you don't want to miss. Enjoy!!
Andrew Griffith's Deviant Art Page: http://glovestudios.deviantart.com/
Crash Murdoch's Deviant Art Page: http://www.crashmurdoch.deviantart.com/

Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
Episode 80 - The Star Joes PSA 2012
Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
It's that time of year again, when the Joes ask you to dig deep for the kids, but rather than just ask for your help, they want to earn it. So Chuck and Ryan decide to tackle the topic of single item/property collecting. Some interesting discussions come up as they guys talk collections. Then for the second half of the show hear exactly what was said at the IDW panel at NYCC. It's an episode worthy of giving to the kids. Enjoy!!

Monday Oct 15, 2012
Episode 79 - When Do I Eat the Magic Corn Cob Shoe?
Monday Oct 15, 2012
Monday Oct 15, 2012
The guys are back to doing what they do best...arguing...I mean, covering comics. Chuck and Ryan give a recap of their trip to Baltimore, including a detailed explanation of the schvitz that Chuck seems to frequent when he can. Then the guys jump into listener feedback and comic issues. It's what you all expect from these guys and more. Enjoy!!
Episode sponsored by the Punisher Body Count Podcast: http://punisherbodycount.wordpress.com/

Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Episode 78 - The Baltimore Comic Con Tapes
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Baltimore Comic Con was an amazing journey for Chuck and Ryan. They had a blast meeting new people, meeting some listeners in person for the first time, and catching up with old friends. In this episode you'll hear some of the conversations that were had that weekend. You'll learn the secret club that Chuck has attended in his past, and you'll join in some of the fun that is now known as Campbell Con. Not everything can be heard clearly with everyone talking in the rooms, but some of the moments make it all worth listening to. Enjoy!!

Thursday Sep 06, 2012
Episode 77 - You'll Get Spaceworms
Thursday Sep 06, 2012
Thursday Sep 06, 2012
Just before heading out to Baltimore Comic Con, Chuck and Ryan do their best to get caught up on issue reviews and listener feedback. They introduce a new segment called the Atkins Battleground and revisit some established segments like Star Wars Blaster Shots and the Gallant Gap. It's the kind of show you come to expect from these guys, so some expect some good arguments. Enjoy!!

Monday Aug 13, 2012
Episode 75 - Sucking Up to the Listeners
Monday Aug 13, 2012
Monday Aug 13, 2012
In this mammoth sized episode the guys welcome 4 listeners to the show and turn control of the topics over to them. Find out how much Chuck and Ryan really know about the 80's, what toy properties they owned in their past, and what pillow Ryan had on his bed as a kid. All of this along with a new intro theme song. Enjoy!!
Jon Thurmond's links:
Deviant Art of his son Jacob's artwork - http://jt3fan.deviantart.com/
Comic Art page - http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerydetail.asp?gcat=53505
Chris - aka Dr. Quest's podcasts:
Norwegia Quest - http://norwegiaquest.com/
What to Watch - http://whattowatchpodcast.com/
Roger - aka Toygoon:
Cherry Bomb Toys - http://www.cherrybombtoys.com/
Chris Campbell podcasts:
No Apologies - http://thetaylornetwork.wordpress.com/no-apologies/
Marvel Noise - http://www.marvelnoise.com/