
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
Episode 7 - The Iron Age (or Hector Goes to Despondos)
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
In this episode the guys cover a Star Wars comic in current issues, and finally do some toy reviews on some great Star Wars characters (with one provide by the great listener, Starfighter). They discover the deep past of Ironhide, and explore Venezuela with a classic Joe. All this plus we get some of out first glimpses into the Masters of the Universe world. By the end Chuck starts to uncover what a handful he can be when Ryan gets a little slap happy and goes off the grid. Have fun on this wild ride that you come to expect from the guys at Star Joes.

Thursday May 27, 2010
Episode 6 - Complaining About Your Coleslaw
Thursday May 27, 2010
Thursday May 27, 2010
In this episode the guys discuss the positive changes that have been occurring on the website. Chuck finds out there are some better movies to be found in the year 1987. The guys cover some Joe and Transformers comics. Then they swing their way into Spider-Man realm for a top 5 and top 10 list. Finally they wrap up with the ever wished for return of the Kung Fu Grip toy review. This is a jam packed episode that is true to form in what you have always come to expect from Star Joes...quality entertainment. Enjoy!!

Saturday May 01, 2010
Episode 5 - Meet My Newest Creation
Saturday May 01, 2010
Saturday May 01, 2010
In this episode, the Ryan and Chuck are joined by Nick (forum member WoofmanZ). And if you thought in the last episode it took the guys a while to answer listener questions, imagine what happens this episode when three people are chiming in. The guys catch up on all the most recent G.I. Joe and Transformers issues...almost. And they discuss the hottest rides in the world of Star Wars and G.I. Joe. As always there are debates, discussions, and a lot more fun than could ever be put here. Enjoy!!

Wednesday Apr 07, 2010
Episode 4 - R.I.P. David L. Katzenbogen
Wednesday Apr 07, 2010
Wednesday Apr 07, 2010
In this episode Ryan and Chuck have to say good-bye to a Joe we only really started to understand. They also finally wrap up Knights of the Old Republic, respond to a large amount of listener feedback, give female centric top 5 lists, and Chuck slowly gets wasted. All this and it's an extra long episode right from the beginning as you'll soon find out. But hey, they were away from you guys for a while, so enjoy.

Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
Blooper Episode - Take 1
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
While Chuck is away, Ryan will play. Ryan takes some of the bloopers from the show that aired (and some that never did) and puts them together for a fun little episode to pass the time until the next big recording is released. Enjoy some moments you remember, some you never heard before, and a few outbursts from Chuck. Oh, and don't adjust your speakers at the beginning...the intro is a little messed up also. What did you expect? It's a blooper episode.
Closing song - Yoda by "Weird Al" Yankovic

Thursday Mar 04, 2010
Episode 3 - Embrace the Suck
Thursday Mar 04, 2010
Thursday Mar 04, 2010
Welcome to a very self indulgent episode where Ryan and Chuck have a live opening of some boxes received recently. The guys discuss what is coming up this year based on the news from the New York Toy Fair. Ryan describes his family connection to the Star Wars universe...sorta (hint - there is nothing wrong with your speakers or iPods). Then the guys wrap up the show covering their most hated Star Wars characters from the movies. So sit back, relax, and prepare to embrace the suck.
Closing music - Dare To Be Stupid by "Weird Al" Yankovic

Thursday Feb 11, 2010
100 Subscribers Special - Part 2
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
Here we are. The final 25 in each of our top 50 list of G.I. Joe and Star Wars charaters. Chuck is still recovering from where Ryan placed a character in Part 1. Hear him lose his mind over some characters in this episode. What? You haven't heard Part 1 yet? Well, it's well worth listening to that and then come back here to finish off the list. Some will be happy, some will be mad, but all will enjoy.

Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
100 Subscribers Special - Part 1
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
Well, Ryan and Chuck promised a special episode when they reached 100 subscribers and here they are to deliver that special. In a topic too big for one episode, you'll receive part one this week where Ryan and Chuck cover their top 50 favorite Star Wars & G.I. Joe characters (bringing the total to 100). See how they did that? So sit back, relax, and see if your favorites made the lists as they cover their numbers 50 through 26.

Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Episode 1 - More About Gryph Than You Ever Wanted
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Thursday Jan 28, 2010
Curious about the Star Wars comic "Knights of the Old Republic"? Well, be curious no longer. Ryan and Chuck provide a run down of the characters and stories that make this title so great (too bad it has to end). They also provide a review of some Joe figures and insight into some international characters. It's more of what you have come to enjoy from these guys, so sit back, grab a cold beverage, and enjoy.

Friday Jan 15, 2010
Episode 1/2 - The Joes Go International
Friday Jan 15, 2010
Friday Jan 15, 2010
In this episode Ryan and Chuck discuss their shock at the show's international appeal. Chuck provides a summary on the G.I. Joe Ongoing series and G.I. Joe Origins to bring the listeners up to speed (and learn about Chuck's love for the G.I. Joe Origins series). The guys also do a toy review on the DC Classics Joker. Now we start having some fun.