
Saturday Dec 11, 2010
Episode 16 - Trying to Make a Dead Man Proud
Saturday Dec 11, 2010
Saturday Dec 11, 2010
This may be the episode that goes down in the history books. If you love Ryan and Chuck arguments, then this is the one for you. Whether it's in the comic reviews, the top 5 lists, or Chuck's lack to produce pie for the show, there is plenty of banter going on here. Check out the latest in comic reviews, the guys load up on toy reviews for the holiday season, they provide not one but two Top 5 lists, and even OU812 gets into the holiday spirit. It's more of what you all have come to love from these guys, and they make sure to load this one up for you. Enjoy!!

Thursday Nov 25, 2010
Episode 15 - Like a Cheap Motel in Cleveland
Thursday Nov 25, 2010
Thursday Nov 25, 2010
After a couple episodes of being away from the regularly scheduled issues, the guys are back to their normal format...well, normal for them. The guys catch up on some listener feedback, Ryan continues his coverage of Star Wars Legacy, and the guys find that they don't agree on much in the most recent comic issues. All the fun you have come to expect, plus a top five list perfect for the Thanksgiving holiday. So loosen those belts and enjoy another helping of Star Joes.

Monday Nov 15, 2010
The Joes Go To Mid-Ohio Con
Monday Nov 15, 2010
Monday Nov 15, 2010
Another fully loaded edition of Star Joes coming your way here. Ryan and Chuck are once again joined by their friend Nick on the road back from Mid-Ohio Con 2010. The guys talk about their hauls from the convention and their interesting interactions with various cos-players and creators. Then as part of Comic Geek Speak's theme week, the guys talk about who they would have on their Comic Book Mount Rushmore, and the debates begin. After all this fun on the road, the show wraps up with a sneak peak at Ryan appearing on The 2Bit Lostcast. Enjoy!

Saturday Oct 30, 2010
Episode 14 - The Silent Episode
Saturday Oct 30, 2010
Saturday Oct 30, 2010
To honor the great G.I. Joe issue, the guys do an episode completely silent...who are we kidding? You can't shut these guys up. Ryan and Chuck discuss their plans for the upcoming Mid-Ohio Con, Ryan explains a bump he heard in the night, and Chuck finds the words to express a recent beating he took. The guys then cover the most recent G.I. Joe and Star Wars issues, cover two action figures that could make your skin crawl, and then finish with a couple top 5 lists to get you in the mood for the upcoming Halloween weekend. It's all that you have come to love about this show, so enjoy!

Saturday Oct 16, 2010
Episode 13 - Feel the Magic, Hear the Suck
Saturday Oct 16, 2010
Saturday Oct 16, 2010
Originally planned to be a spotlight on the Thundercats episode, the guys decided to go off the rails and bring another classic "suck" episode your way. No format, barely anything planned out, and just random topic ramblings. Everything you've come to love in these episodes. Hear about Ryan's lack of luck in Las Vegas and Chuck's lack of enthusiasm for an upcoming Infestation. The guys cover several toy reviews this episode and in the spirit of Halloween they talk about their favorite costumes they had as kids. If you love random geek talk from Ryan and Chuck (and who doesn't) then this is the episode for you. Enjoy!

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Episode 12 - Spawn of a Glitch
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
In this episode, Chuck responds to some backlash from the last episode, and Ryan covers the long awaited review of "Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers"...well, long awaited by someone. The guys give their insight on how to best display action figures, and they celebrate Ryan's birthday. Then they dive into the issues to bring everyone up to speed. They do a toy review of the Autobot Drift. They find out that Skullbuster and Croc Master both just needed more love as children. And they end the show on a high note (musically speaking). Have fun listening to this one, folks. It's a long wild ride.

Saturday Aug 28, 2010
Episode 11 - Come to Papa
Saturday Aug 28, 2010
Saturday Aug 28, 2010
In this episode, Chuck responds to Ryan's Blooper Episode. The guys catch up on all that has been happening since their last recording together. They answer some listener questions with several tangent conversations along the way. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero is enthusiastically welcomed into the titles that are reviewed each month. The guys cover a toy review with a figure from Rock's generosity and a figure straight from San Diego Comic Con. If that wasn't enough, find out what breakfast cereals Ryan and Chuck ate as kids, and which characters really should never hook up. It's a jammed pack episode which also includes a couple words from their assassin robot OU812. Enjoy!!

Wednesday Jul 21, 2010
Episode 10 - Well, It Had To Happen Sometime
Wednesday Jul 21, 2010
Wednesday Jul 21, 2010
After so many extra special episodes, the guys finally make it to the milestone Episode 10, and they make the wait worth it. This is a jam packed episode. The guys cover all the great comic issues you've come to love. They set up a massive battle royale for a future episode. They cover a special toy review, and Chuck conducts his first interview with a very special guest. And if all of that wasn't enough the guys run down the movies they would make from their favorite 80's franchises (where we discover Chuck dirty little secret about the cartoon Gem). After all of this, the guys even announce another contest for you, the listeners. Could anything else fit in this episode? Listen and find out.

Monday Jul 12, 2010
Episode 9 - Ninjas Wet Their Pants
Monday Jul 12, 2010
Monday Jul 12, 2010
In this episode the guys catch up on the many comic issues that have been accumulating for them to review by following a new quicker format. They discuss what fireworks they faced on their 4th of July weekends. Chuck is growled at. Ryan has his parents' lives in danger by an assassin droid. All of this and the deadly rogues of Batman are discussed in the Battle Files segment. Plus, the contest winner is finally announced. So sit back, enjoy, and make sure you're wearing your adult diapers while you listen to this episode of Star Joes.

Friday Jun 18, 2010
Episode 8 - Revenge of the Suck
Friday Jun 18, 2010
Friday Jun 18, 2010
Before the guys return back to form with comics and toy reviews, they decided to revisit an old format of show... the anything goes format. Ryan and Chuck discuss everything here from Memorial Day weekend to food preferences to upcoming video games. They answer listener questions, make a ton of corrections from past episodes, and do a live opening of a package sent in by listener Rock. All this and the guys break down their top NES games they played in the 80's. It's another memorable episode that will become an instant classic for Star Joes. Enjoy!!